Here we are reviewing a fresh project, just launched, with a proven recipe that is currently almost unknown, with very little information available except for an active channel since last summer that explains what arbitrage is and how to take the first steps with examples and some free signals. They also offer the opportunity to work in the Arbipool team. After all this preparation, a product has recently been introduced that acts as an intermediary between the Arbipool team and inexperienced or time-constrained investors who simply want to passively invest by paying a small fee to the team on the profit. There’s the possibility to track their performances in the official channel and occasionally receive free “signals” (I’m not sure if we can talk about signals in arbitrage, as we are talking about profiting from price differences between exchanges).

That said, let’s move on to the platform itself. Arbipool is a Telegram bot that allows investing in two plans, “Simple” and “Classic”.

The “Simple” plan is a classic piggy bank with capital locked for 7 days and daily profits indefinitely up to 2.5%.
The “Classic” plan is a capital-included plan indefinitely with daily profits up to 5%. Here too, it’s possible to withdraw the capital in advance, but there might be deductions from the profits.

Every day at 4:00 PM Moscow time, the results of their operations are calculated and published. The overall gain is distributed as follows:
– 65% to investors
– 25% as Arbi Pool commission
– 10% to the referral system (of which 5% goes to the first line, 3% to the second, and 2% to the third).

Arbipool is a promising and well-structured project that shows a certain professionalism from the management, but, let’s say, it’s technically simple. The impact is created by the community and the channel with its long background, capable of preparing a beginner to take the first steps in the arbitrage sector and making their knowledge available to everyone. As tradition dictates, the launch takes place in private groups and will gradually emerge without force, which I believe is the best way to start a stable and enduring development. There is absolutely no advertising required. Anyone who wants to join can do so with the option to leave at any time. I believe fanaticism and large deposits are unnecessary, but I do think it’s worth keeping an eye on it or testing it while waiting to see future developments. It seems they are already working on an English version of the bot.
Good luck to all of us.


🔘 up to 2.5% daily lifetime
💆 capital back anytime after 7 days

🔘 up to 5% daily lifetime (capital included)
⚠️ possibility to withdraw the capital with earnings deduction
🔻 min dep 100 USD

🔺 min pay 10 USD
🤝 ref 5% 3% 2% from earnings
🔋 USDT TRC20, USDT BEP20, BTC, ETH widget for

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